For the third straight month, auto loan rates have exceeded five percent, which means consumers are paying a little more for a vehicle.
May 18, 2018
It’s expensive to do, but with a little bit of financial help, you can get it done. You just need to know what options you have at your disposal.
May 17, 2018
An often-quoted Delaware-based Internet student loan news startup going by the name of Drew Cloud has turned out to be the work of several loan-refinancing company writers.
May 16, 2018
What’s better – pay off your student loans quickly or lengthen the time it takes by making smaller payments? The answer isn’t so black and white. It really depends on how you value your younger years.
May 15, 2018
The American Financial Benefits Center is a document-preparation company that assists clients with their plans, often reminding them to consider income-driven repayment plans to help them pay debt off.
May 14, 2018
The Federal Trade Commission has filed a federal court complaint against LendingClub, which charges the online lender is misleading consumers about hidden fees and overcharging them.
May 13, 2018